Medical Acupuncture
Book a Medical Acupuncture appointment from just £60
Medical Acupuncture is provided by GP Dr Maria McMahon
Acupuncture can help with a range of issues:
Musculoskeletal pain
Chronic pain
Gastrointestinal disorders
Mood related disorders
Sleep pattern disruption
Women's health problems including menopause and menstrual disorders
This is not an exhaustive list and acupuncture treatment is available for a variety of conditions.
Acupuncture treatment is personalised for every individual and electro acupuncture and moxa therapy are also available for incorporation into treatments where appropriate.
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Tightening of skin and replenishment of lost superficial collagen and elastin is achievable with cosmetic acupuncture and collagen enhancement treatments., A natural alternative to botox and fillers, facial acupuncture stimulates a healing cascade, which produces collagen and elastin from the fibroblasts. Collagen and elastin are the structures of the skin that maintain both elasticity and firmness.
Reduces open pores and scar tissue
Reduces puffy eyes, face , throat and body
Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Gives the complexion a fresher glow due to increased circulation
Lifts and tones sagging muscles and skin
Improved sleep. relaxation and many more health benefits
GPs are expert generalists - specialists in general medical practice. They are able to deal with a very wide range of problems, probably the widest of any medical specialist. GPs can manage all age groups from babies and toddlers through adolescents to adults and the elderly.